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OUR culture is our 8 Habits

1 We Are Proactive

Nothing will ever get done if we do nothing but sit around waiting for things to happen. Effective people know that there is no value in overthinking, in spending more time on our words than our actions. Therefore, we value our thinking that we always think about the side effects of our choices before the simple quick and reactive actions.

2 We Focus On Goals

 In everything we do, we begin with the end in mind. Start with a clear destination. That way, we can make sure the steps we’re taking are in the right direction. We do not just act for short-term actions, we see things in long-term relationships within our craft.

Beginning with the end in mind is also extremely important for businesses. Being a solution developer or leader is about optimizing for efficiency. 

"What are we trying to accomplish?"

3 We Set Priorities

Put First Things First. In order to manage ourselves effectively, we must put first things first. We must have the discipline to prioritize our day-to-day actions based on what is most important, not what is most urgent.

The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves. We always maintain a primary focus on relationships and results, and a secondary focus on time.

4 The Only Win Is When All Wins

In order to establish effective interdependent relationships, we must commit to creating Win-Win situations that are mutually beneficial and satisfying to each party.

To achieve Win-Win, we value the focus on results, not methods; on problems, not people.

5 We Seek First to Understand,

Then to Be Understood 

Before we can offer advice, suggest solutions, or effectively interact with the business needs in any way, we must seek to deeply understand them and the perspective through empathic listening.

We seek first to understand, and then we find strength and utility in those different perspectives in order to create new possibilities and Win-Win results.


6 We Value Cooperation / Partnership

By understanding and valuing the differences in others perspective, we value synergy, which allows us to uncover new possibilities through openness and creativity.


There is nothing more powerful than combining forces. Regardless of how competent we might be on our own, there is always greater strength in numbers. 


Therefore, we value interaction, cooperation, and transparency

7 We Reflect On And Repair Deficiencies 

To be effective, we must devote the time to renewing ourselves physically, spiritually, mentally, and socially. Continuous renewal allows us to synergistically increase our ability to practice each habit.


We believe that healthy employees create a wealthy company and happy customers


Therefore, we value transparency, win-win, synergy, interaction, proactiveness, sharing knowledge, continuous improvement, continuous learning, and peoples wellbeing 

8 We Find Our Voices And Help Others Find Theirs

Successful people are successful because they work smarter, not harder. They find the easiest way to go about a task while maintaining excellent performance, which in turn saves resources for other tasks. They also understand that working too hard will lead to burnout and an ineffective use of time.


Therefore, we value mentorship, sharing knowledge, motivations and help others to be inspired. We see the talents in each one of us and try to motivate and coach everyone in the best possible directions 

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