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What’s an DevOps Engineer?

I recently received a question “what is aDevOps Engineer”? There are many who seek such a person for recruitment. It sounds like a role but DevOps is anything else but a role.

DevOps is about breaking down silos between different parts of the organization and ensure that everyone is on the same page and working in the same direction together. DevOps is a culture where you will get rid of the silos between as admin, developers, commission / operators, DBAs, Design, Architects, UX, product owners and get closer to the consumer.

If we look at the Lean and the Agile Manifesto principles, DevOps is almost the same thing including one important point that is missing in manifest today. Rapid feedback and fail fast. I would like to see the Agile Manifesto v2.0 with this important point. Give favor to “fail fast”

DevOps in itself does not differ so much from continuous delivery of software. Besides the support to move toward operations in the infrastructure, which among other things can be controlled from our code nowadays. We talk about IaaS, PaaS, IAC, SaaS, CICD, containers, etc.

An important part of Lean is to constantly seek improvements and reduce unnecessary work, which is an important part of DevOps. Employees also need to have different knowledge of tools to simplify work for quick delivery and continuously decrease  waste. Therefore, we need to simplify the work regarding our continuous delivery and  involve the operations in the entire application life-cycle. Therefore, it is important that everyone is part of the team, and share the same time box.

To do this, we simply need to get our organizations employees to live in a common culture. – Communicate with your whole hand not just the little finger – He/she concern spans the entire organization, not the immediate technology and product he/she is responsible for – Understand the business values – Understands and has trained in Lean and Agile and can combine intuition with data – Developers and operation should also share the same time-box as the rest of the team and are not treated as different


A “DevOps Engineer” is not a role or a type of developer or engineer. DevOps Engineer is just a talented employees with a certain part of the business, organizational and social skills. In other words everyone shall be DevOps engineers and not just one person or two in their organization. DevOps is more or less about getting to a maturity level within the organization today, how we have to work to be competitive on the market and make it possible to satisfy the demands our consumers require.



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